Rev. Fr. Prof. Michael Perry Kweku Okyerefo Delivers Inaugural Lecture

Rev. Fr. Prof. Michael Perry Kweku Okyerefo, a former Dean of the School of Arts and former Head of the Department of Sociology, has delivered the final inaugural lecture of the 2023/2024 academic year on the topic, “The Autobiographical Self as an Object for Sociological Enquiry.”
Through the unique lens of the biographical research approach, the Lecturer explored the fascinating topic of the intersection of Sociology and selfhood. Examining how social structures shape individual lives, Rev. Fr. Prof. Michael Okyerefo illustrated his life’s interconnectedness and its relation to the biography of others through the prism of social forces and the voluntary and involuntary choices made.

Acknowledging that social interaction emanates from individuals’ autobiographies and social structures simultaneously, Rev. Fr. Prof. Michael Okyerefo called on African universities to facilitate an African emancipatory imagination to impact biographies and narratives. According to him, this is important because African universities and institutions foster a direct link to the production of knowledge. “Knowledge knows no boundaries, hence the need for dismantling the cultural, political and social barriers that are firmly in place to guarantee a Western monopoly over knowledge systems”, he stated.

Referencing his scholarly works, which span over two decades, Rev. Fr. Prof. Okyerefo drew attention to themes of identity, migration, religion, and culture, with the aim of sparking curiosity and fostering an appreciation for the ongoing dynamic between social structures and social actors. Thus, inspiring the audience, especially young people, to aspire to read Sociology, the discipline that arouses one’s curiosity to understand oneself in relation to society.
In her closing remarks, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Nana Aba Appiah Amfo, congratulated him for “a well thought through, adequately prepared for and eloquently delivered a lecture.” She acknowledged Rev. Fr. Prof. Okyerefo’s contribution to the development of two critical UG policies, the Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy and the Gender Policy.

Earlier, the Registrar, Mrs. Emelia Agyei-Mensah, welcomed the audience and said, “inaugural lectures form an essential component of a university’s programme for an academic year and every academic who rises to the rank of a full Professor in his or her career in the University of Ghana is expected to deliver an inaugural lecture.”

Mrs. Agyei-Mensah also stated that inaugural lectures offer the University an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the achievements of faculty as they share their research with colleagues within and outside the University.
There were several gift presentations made by friends, family and members of the University community to celebrate Rev. Fr. Prof. Michael Perry Kweku Okyerefo’s achievements. The Ghana Dance Ensemble and Mr. Ken Carbonu, a renowned pianist, also graced the occasion with exciting cultural and musical performances.

The lecture was attended by Pro-Vice-Chancellors, Provosts, Deans, Directors, and members of the University community.
A delegation from the Nelson Mandela University, South Africa led by their Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Sibongile Muthwa, who were on a working visit to the University, were also present, as Rev. Fr. Prof. Michael Okyerefo is currently the Chair for Critical Studies in Higher Education Transformation, at the Nelson Mandela University.

As a Catholic Priest, the Lecture had as part of the audience four Catholic Bishops, Catholic Priests and Religious as well as members of the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Legon, where he is one of the Chaplains.

Colleagues, students, family members, and friends of the Lecturer, as well as traditional leaders and their representatives from Likpe Agbozume, were also in attendance. Former students from St. Mary’s Seminary Secondary School and Bishop Herman College, Rev. Fr. Prof. Michael Okyerefo’s alma maters, also attended the lecture.
As a prelude to Rev. Fr. Prof. Michael P. K. Okyerefo’s inaugural lecture, a week-long exhibition of his works was held at the Balme Library.
The exhibition showcased his research over the years, especially on two general areas of sociological inquiry: Cultural Sociology and Sociology of Religion.